
We are always accepting donations. This is what helps keeps up open to help out a lot of bunnies that just need a home. We will give you a receipt on what we think the stuff is worth so you can add it to your taxes.

We are always in the need of anything related to bunnies, cages, leashes, litter pans, feeding bowls, baby blankets or padding for the bottom of cages, food, hay and so on.

We always except veggies and fruit

We also except cash donations to help feed the bunnies.

If within 20 miles from us, we also will pick up items.

Anything is always appreciated

PayPal @bunniesrusrescue

Vemo @bunniesrusrescue 7710

CashAp: $bunniesrusrescue

Cash or Checks: payable to Diane Dykema

Items we are always in need of:

  1. Timothy Hay

  2. Pelletized pellets

  3. Pride pellets (or any plain pellets

  4. Veggies and Fruits

  5. Cages/hutches/X-pens

  6. Chew toys

  7. Straw for bedding

  8. Cash to help feed the bunnies and for any vet bills.

If you donate you can ask for a donation receipt to have for your taxes.

We appreciate everything you can do to help!!!


Payment options: Cash, Checks
(payable to Diane Dykema)

paypal: @bunniesrusrescue

Vemo: @bunniesrusrescue 7710

CashAp: $bunniesrusrescue

Physical/mail In Donation Drop Offs |
3902 Perry Ave Wyoming, MI 49519