About Us


Bunnies-R-Us opened up July 2019. I raised bunnies when I was young and always loved having them. Had a few bunnies during my kids generation. I never had the luxury of raising or breeding young bunnies. But I soon realized on how many bunnies are just being thrown in the streets. I decided reproducing was not for me. I wanted to help all the bunnies that need my help I might open up my house and heart to these unwanted bunnies, but you are the ones that help keep me going!

2022 We are now proud to announce that we have turned into 100 percent rescue/re-homing services. There are so many bunnies wandering the streets and deserve a better life. These bunnies could still be on the streets if we didn’t get help of all my followers, and people who help donate and even our foster families play a huge part on us being able to help more bunnies. Thank you so much for visiting and your support. We could not do it without all of you.

We are also happy to announce we will be in the cats and dog magazine in the summer of 2023 so lot for that.
